Thursday 17 March 2016

8th Larissa International Congress of Internal Medicine

Institute Of Internal Medicine & Hepatology, Larissa, Greece Department Of Medicine & Research Laboratory Of Internal Medicine, University Of Thessaly Medical School, Larissa, Greece.
Director: Professor G.N. Dalekos
It is a great pleasure to welcome and invite you all to the 8th Larissa International Congress of Internal Medicine, which will take place on 17-19 March, 2016 at Larissa Imperial Hotel, in Larissa, Greece.
The Congress is organized with the joint effort of the Institute of Internal Medicine and Hepatology and the Department of Medicine and Research Laboratory of Internal Medicine of the University of Thessaly Medical School, Larissa, Greece. We are also glad that the Congress is organized in cooperation with the Hellenic Association for the Study of Liver Diseasesand the Hellenic Stroke Organization, under the auspices of the University of Thessaly Medical School.
The official language of the Congress is English.
Call for Abstracts
The Organizing and Scientific Committee of the Congress invite everyone interested to actively contribute to the programme by presenting their research to an international audience of medical experts through Oral and e-Poster Presentations and to submit abstracts of their papers.
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 8, 2016
Online Registration
All participants can either register by using the online Registration Form (suggested) or alternatively, they can download theRegistration Form, complete it and send it to the Organizing-Administrative Bureau/Secretariat, Conferre Ltd, by email ( or fax (+30 26510 68611).
Larissa Imperial Hotel
182 Farsalon Str., GR 413 35 Larissa, Greece
Thursday March 17th 2016, 14:30 – 21:00
Friday March 18th 2016, 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday March 19th 2016, 08:00 – 21:00
For more information

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